This is an open letter to all ordinary Americans. My friends, I believe you truly care for the future of humankind. But I also believe your collective attitude may in a very real sense determine the future of the 21st Century, just like the attitude (or lack of it) of ordinary German citizens determined the outcome of the 20th century. Let me explain..
Have you noticed that ever since Senator Joe Biden has been sworn in as president of the US, how the Western media’s focus has zoomed in on one Alexei Navalny, hoping for mass protests in Russia? In fact, did you know that on the very morning that Biden was announced the winner of the US presidential election on November 5, that a strange report surfaced in The Daily Mail of Britain, speculating that the Russian leader is suffering from Parkinson’s? Be assured that the timing of all of these reports was no mere coincidence, but planned and premeditated, like so many other seemingly odd coincidences in the theatre of world politics.
Have you also noticed my American friends, how immediately since the January 20 inauguration of Pres. Biden, the vitriol in your country against his counterpart in Russia has been escalating? The Asia Times reported that Pres. Biden issued a stern warning to Russia in an all important “America is Back” speech on foreign policy: “Addressing US relations with Russia, Biden said he had ‘made it clear to President Putin, in a manner very different from my predecessor’ that the US would no longer ‘roll over’ in the face of Russian aggression.
The Asia Times continued: “(Biden) also raised the plight of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, demanding his release and condemning ‘Russian efforts to suppress freedom of expression and peaceful assembly’ as ‘a matter of deep concern to us and the international community’”. It is hard to believe that Biden said this after the Mueller-report on alleged Russian collusion failed to deliver any evidence for two full years of blaming the Russians. It is also hard to believe he said that in light of the censoring of so many conservative voices in the US since the election.
So, what would motivate such a provocative kickoff by the US in its relations with Moscow, as the new Biden-administration came to power? Was it because Putin was a bit slow in congratulating his American counterpart? Remember the guy has been demonized for four years and more, and was blamed for everything that “went wrong” in the US.
Or what else could have warranted such a chilly start to US-Russian relations? For let me assure you, US – Russia relations should concern you very much, if you love life like I do, and care for the future of our children.
Let me try to bring you up to speed. Ongoing anti-Russian propaganda in the West, ever since it became clear that a new Russia was rising like a phoenix from the ashes of the collapse of the Soviet Union, became the norm of 21st century transatlantic politics. America’s sweet moment of unipolar world-dominance did not outlast the nineties. And so, one reason after the other was sought to demonize the Russians, laced with endless slogans of propaganda. While every form of phobia is considered politically incorrect among us enlightened Westerners, relentless angry Russo-phobia was not only tolerated, but regarded as a sure ticket in your path to political success, if you hoped on any.
But what for? Did the post-Soviet Russians ever threaten America or Europe? Not in the least. Both Putin and his Secretary of State Lavrov are on record for endlessly reaching out a hand of goodwill to the West. They call us their “partners”. In January 2021 still Putin said at Davos that love cannot always come from one side only, referring to Russia’s difficult relationship with the EU.
You see, Russia has considered itself part of the West ever since the days of the tsars. It was only Lenin and his bloody Bolshevik Revolution that broke the tradition for seventy years. And had it not been for this senseless ongoing demonization since 2000, most Russians by far would have been pro-American today. In fact, had I been a Russian Orthodox monk, I would have told the faithful that the most dangerous thing that could threaten Russia now, is the decadent West loving her.
Or was it perhaps the peaceful annexation of the Crimea in 2014 that annoyed the West so much? But what else were the Russians supposed to do after a CIA-engineered coup d’état toppled a democratically chosen government in Kiev in 2014, banning the Russian language, and causing the deaths of many, including 46 peaceful Russian supporters , who were deliberately set on fire in a building in Odessa on May 2 of that year? The Crimea has been of huge strategic importance to Russia for as long as memory goes back, for that is where her Black Sea fleet has always been headquartered. Nikita Khrushchev singlehandedly transferred the Crimea from Russia to the Ukraine back in 1954, which is why the Crimea went with the Ukraine by default in 1991, when the Soviet Union rapidly disintegrated. It was always part of Russia. Should a referendum be held on the peninsula today, it’s hard to believe that its people (mostly Russian) would volunteer to go back to the Ukraine.
Or is it perhaps because of the downing of Malaysian Airline MH16 over east Ukraine in July 2014 that Biden is so impolite? The plane was heading for Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam, filled with Dutch, Aussie and Malaysian passengers, before the awful tragedy struck. Again, like in so many other instances, Putin was personally blamed by the West for this terrible disaster, literally before the smoke and dust had settled on the crash site. In the documentary, MH 16 Call for Justice, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad reveals how the Dutch authorities had prohibited his own country to join their one-sided investigation into the MH16 crash, while the Dutch and the Aussies immediately jumped to the same old conclusion: “Putin did it!” There is no reason why either side in the civil war could not have been responsible, and zero evidence that Moscow was involved. What in the world would the latter have gained from such a despicable act?
Biden was referring to “poisonings” in his speech. Is this perhaps the reason for Biden’s offensive words? Let’s look at one such poisoning incident. Remember the supposed poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury, England during the first week of March 2018? To any objective observer back then, these allegations would have looked pretty fishy. Here is why: Could the Kremlin really have botched such a simple job as killing a retired spy and his daughter? And would they have tried that two weeks before the Russian presidential election and just two months before kick-off of the World Cup in Moscow? Did the Russians really look for so much bad press at such a critical time? Detectives always look for motives remember…
It did not help the Western narrative either, that both Sergei and his daughter Julia simply disappeared out of the public eye, after they seemingly perfectly recovered from the ordeal. Why is no-one concerned about them anymore? But of course, no one in the West is asking these questions. We just go by those sensational headlines and images we consume every day.
Or is the Biden Administration perhaps resentful that Russia stepped into the fray, when Damascus begged them in 2015 for help? The Syrian Army was fighting a losing battle against hordes of bloodthirsty Sunni jihadis (supported in all manner of ways by the West) drawing ever closer under their black flags, threatening to take over all Syria. But then Russia stepped in and the tide changed within months, exposing the weakness of President Obama who supported the other side. Think of this: the simple fact that church bells are ringing in Aleppo, Homs and Damascus today, is thanks to Russia and in spite of America, Germany, France and Britain. If that is not a wake-up call to Christians in the West, then what is?
Well, why is it then? Why has Washington for so long been baying for Russian blood, apart from the previous president who has now been barred from public life as a so-called Putin-puppet? Could it perhaps be envy? The Russian economy has been doing rather well in spite of American sanctions, and – though smaller than the German economy – looks in much better shape than the US economy right now. In fact, Europe is very likely to become ever more dependent on Nord Stream 1 and 2 (natural gas from Russia to Germany). This we know has been a huge concern for some key politicians in the US for years, that Russia and Germany would become too cozy with, and dependent on each other.

On top of it all we learned that the most famous professor in the world right now, flew to Moscow and Belgrade for treatment during 2020, after being misdiagnosed several times and basically left to die in a Canadian medical clinic. That Jordan Peterson would receive life-saving help in Russia and not in Canada was a bit hard for our pride to swallow.
Or is it perhaps fear that sits behind all the ill-will and Russophobia? This might come closer to the truth, but such fear has very little rational basis. Though the Russian Federation is the world’s second largest military power after the US, and the joint biggest nuclear power, the Russians have no desire for conflict with the West. Their record is clear on that. The cheap Western propaganda that Putin’s Russia is a revival of the Stalin-era is a pile of nonsense not worth refuting. The truth is that Russia is far freer and more Christian than the West right now. Danish reporter Iben Thranholm spoke extensively on the The Herland Report about this fact, after visiting Russia many times. Thranholm calls Marxism an “evil spirit”, exorcized from Russia, looking for another empty house to inhabit, which it may very well have found in the broke-ness and woke-ness of the wayward West.
In fact, I believe this is without a doubt the real reason why America and its allies have an axe to grind with Russia. Putin’s Russia is no promoter of a leftist globalist LGBTQ+ utopia, but stands like a colossus in the way of those ideals, as the defender of traditional conservatism and of Christian values, rooted in Russian Orthodox spirituality.
And yet lest our fears run away with us, let us consider that Russia has but 146 million people, which is only about 35% the size of America’s population. That number is smaller than the populations of Pakistan, Brazil or Nigeria. What’s more, they can’t afford to needlessly spill any more blood, for Russia had sacrificed 35 000 000 of its children during WWII, far more than any other nation in the world. Mother Russia is now even rewarding her mothers with rubles to have more babies.
I believe the real reason behind all the anti-Russian propaganda has to do with three things: Russian conservatism rooted in Christianity, it’s vast energy resources, and Russia moving too close to Germany. That is it.
It is in the light of all the above that I want to ask my American friends to analyze Putin’s speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos this past January (2021) very carefully. Like so many times he issued a solemn but friendly warning to the West to stop escalating tensions, for who knows what it may lead to down the road? He warned that a war of all against all will destroy our entire civilization and have no winners. My American friends, do you listen? All this needless anti-Russian hatred will sooner or later come to bite us. The reason for Putin’s warning is simple: It is Russia, not the US or Europe, that is being demonized and pushed into a corner by NATO all the time.
In April 2018 yet, Americans on both sides of the isle, pushed for an open conflict with the Russians in Syria. Thank God nothing came from it. But who knows how long we will be able to dance on this volcano, with so many warmongers in Washington’s these days? Please my American friends, think of it and pray. It will happen on our watch. We will be held to account by our children, if history books will still be written after this war of all against all with no winners. The long-time Princeton professor and doyen of Russian studies in the US, the late Dr. Stephen Cohen, said it succinctly: “It is Russo-phobia, and not Russia, that poses the biggest threat to the US”. I think he was spot on.